Why Vegan?

Veganism isn’t a ‘fad’, it’s a holistic lifestyle.

It isn’t a clinical western imposition, in fact, it’s grounded on the value of non-violence or ‘ahimsa’.

A moral, ethical stance to impose least possible harm to all our little earthlings, by making compassionate life-choices, while aligning our goal towards a much more sustainable Earth.

Did you know?

‘The animals slaughtered in one year is equivalent to 8 times the human population on Earth.’-United Nations Report

Yes, you heard that right!

The factory farming and dairy industry enshrouds the dark secrets, keeping it hidden from the public eye.

Confined in filthy, dark, barren sheds and cages, Industrial Animal farming inflicts gratuitous,
unnecessary pain, suffering and death upon billions of sentient beings.

Animals have feelings too!

Did you ever wonder why you would not like your dog to be killed but prefer a dead pig on your plate in the form of steak? Pause for a moment and think…

Research has shown that pigs are more intelligent than dogs. Animals are emotionally sentient, i.e. they feel, perceive and experience joy, pleasure and pain. They possess strong family bonds, and feel immense pain on separation from their loved ones.  

Dairy is no different, with artificial impregnation of cows for milk, eventually ending up in slaughterhouses for leather, veal or beef.

Animals are always exploited & tortured for human’s selfish motives, be it ,  

It’s time for humans to become ‘humane’. 


The grains fed to raise livestock is enough to satiate the world’s hunger.

How does a vegan diet / food reduce carbon footprint ?

The study shows that people who eat more than 0.1 kg of meat per day—about the size of a deck of playing
cards—generate 7.2 kg of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) each day, while vegetarians and vegans
generate 3.8 kg and 2.9 kg of CO2e, respectively.

How does a vegan save the environment ?

The report states that projections for the future show that “vegan and vegetarian diets were associated with the greatest
reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions.” A global shift to a plant-based diet could reduce mortality and greenhouse
gases caused by food production by 10% and 70%, respectively, by 2050.

How You Can Help Stop the Climate Crisis?

The U.N. says that raising animals for food is “one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global.” The most powerful step that we can take as individuals to halt the climate crisis is to stop eating meat, eggs, and dairy “products”

You too can make an impact by moving to vegan diet

‘One person eating vegan just one day per week saves approximately 40lbs of grain, 1100 gallons of water, 30 square feet of forest, and one animal. To putN.that into context, 1100 gallons is equivalent to almost 4 months' worth of showers… saved in just one day, by one person.’

Why Zestee Vegan Lifestyle?

The Zesty Vegans endeavours to promote this true spirit of veganism, through its signature Statement T-Shirts. — be it supporting a Vegan lifestyle, promoting International Vegan Expos, or Vegan branding.

In simple terms, celebrating all things plant-based and sustainable for the health of people, our planet, and the animals we share it with!

Let’s come together and join us in our mission.

See you there!